What’s blue and white and all over my back yard?

Well, the wedding is over, the happy couple is ensconced in their itty-bitty apartment and life is returning to normal. I promise I will share pictures of Erin’s dress as soon as we get them back from the photographer (I hardly took any at all- doh!), but in the meantime I thought I would share my latest borderline obsession: indigo dyeing.

I lead a craft group at the library where I work and my coworker and I planned for this month’s craft to be batik and shibori tie dyeing. I did batik a million years ago in girl scouts, but somehow missed the childhood rite of passage that is tie dyeing, so the shibori part was particularly appealing to me.

We did Elmer’s Glue batik, rather than the hot wax style and it seemed to work well. I didn’t take any pictures of the batik, though, because I just wanted to tie dye ALL THE THINGS.


These are the first three I tried at the library, but I brought the dye home after the program and my mom and I played some more the next day.


And some more…


And a little more…


And then we pulled out a giant piece of what we think is slubbed silk that was once a curtain in a rental house my mom and her sisters own and we dyed that, too.


It came out a little mottled because it was too big for the 5 gallon bucket of dye and I wasn’t careful about submerging it evenly, but I kind of like the look. I have no idea what I am going to do with it, but it looks cool. 

And since I can’t get enough of blue and white right now, I made a pair of Essential Shorts from Make it Perfect in a blue and white waffle weave print I found on the red tag wall at JoAnn.


Forgive the bad pictures- I am planning to post a review of these shorts and will get my husband to take better pictures before then. I just got a kick out of all the blue and white. 🙂

If you haven’t tried indigo dyeing, you should. It’s like a science experiment- the Indigo has to be mixed with chemicals to be water soluble, so you get to play mad scientist for a minute, then when you pull the fabric out of the dye bath it is a bright yellow green that oxidizes to blue when the air hits it. It’s basically magic.

Also, please tell me that I’m not the only one who gets stuck on a color and can’t stop. What’s your favorite color these days?


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