quilt market 2016

no catchy title…what else would i call it?  for those few who aren’t aware of international quilt market, it’s the holy grail for fabric, patterns, innovative tools and machines, held twice a year.  each fall it’s home is in houston, and it truly is international.  i’ve attended 5 markets now and you would think that it would just be old hat by now…same ‘ol, same ‘ol….but walking through the doors of that convention hall is just as thrilling now as it was that very first time.  here is an entire HUGE building filled with people who understand…who share the joy.

traveling alone to market for the first time, i was a tiny bit concerned about how much i would accomplish.  who would i talk to?  who would i nudge and say “wow…take a look at that!”.  i didn’t need to worry.  everywhere i turned were people who shared my passion.  i met up with old friends (hi bea!!  hope you made it home to s.africa safely!), and met a ton of new ones, all willing to share knowledge and ideas.  my friend and fellow designer danica joined me on saturday (along with her new wee son) and we hit every single aisle….i had the blisters to prove it!  but this wasn’t my first rodeo….i brought bandaids.

so here are a few shots from market…not even the tip of the iceberg, but who has time to take pictures when there is fabric to be touched!!

one of my favorite booths, simply because it felt so comfortable.  i could have curled up on that chair with a good book or some knitting for hours.

these two also caught my eye, not necessarily for the fabric line, but for the booth design.  those concrete blocks had to be quite a load to haul into the hall, but the idea really struck me.  and jennifer’s black & white space with pops of color was so well thought out.  booth construction is an art form in and of itself.20161029_145753

when i caught my first glimpse of jennifer’s booth for monaluna i KNEW that she would be winning an award.  i even put money on it saturday afternoon….and returned sunday just in time to hear it announced that she had won the creativity award!!  tables set up as an outdoor café…and that little “shop” was functional….a great place to store all the samples, paperwork and unsightly items needed to actually do business.

i have to admit…it’s quite a thrill to see your own patterns on display at market.  that little ring filled with snapdragon patterns just waiting for buyers to take a closer look….and the lovely samples already sewn in such beautiful fabrics by sewbatik.  a very proud moment…and a very grateful one.


meeting up again with the lovely and soooo energetic lindsey rae of sew to grow was a highlight of the afternoon.  an hour spent with her is equal to an entire weekend retreat!

another bubbly personality…heather givans of crimsontate.  her new line “literary” was amazing.  remember the feeling when you would check out a library book and look to see who had checked it out before you?  she’s put that into fabric!  and that quilt….oh my…you felt like you were sitting in a private corner of the library…with the spines all embroidered with titles.   while the wedding dress is definitely not my style, it still took my breath away with all those butterflies trailing the bride.

all too soon it was time for chai, knitting and waiting for the flight to bring me back home.  but i didn’t come back empty handed.  i came back with some exciting contacts, new friends, inspiration and some firm commitments….it was a business trip after all!







quilt market…the short version

you may have heard…houston was wet…and windy.  but we didn’t let that slow us down one little bit!  i spent thursday lugging, toting, hauling, schlepping and then bolting, taping, nailing and hanging all the parts and pieces that eventually made up the sew liberated booth.  it was sweaty work. but everyone else in the convention center was doing the same thing and smiles abounded.  friday we put the finishing touches to the booth and headed of to teach a schoolhouse session for shannon fabrics (they make the cuddle fabrics, but don’t be fooled…there are tons of uses and they also have a line of double gauze!!) and called it a day fairly early.  we needed to rest up and prepare for the opening saturday morning.

i would love to be able to say that i saw every inch of market as I have in the past, but that simply isn’t the truth.  i barely saw 1/3 of the booths!!  since this was a “working” trip, i worked.  i did get to see a bit though, and here are just a few of the beautiful things that were waiting for me.

20151025_140147camelot fabrics.  i had a wonderful sit down with marion, who was lovely.  i tried not to let her see me eyeing their double gauze while we spoke.

20151025_143300this display for paperie by amy sinibaldi for art gallery fabrics made me want to pull up a chair a write.  never mind that the fabric was oh so wonderful!  the typewriter did not fit in my tote….i tried.

IMG_20151025_200057the rayon batik by sewbatik was right inside the main door and i was forced to pass it every time i came or went.  therefore, i was forced to “accidentally” brush my hand over the fabric each time. this might be my favorite fabric of the entire show, for many reasons, one of which i will share very soon.

there were dogs….service dogs, but they came dressed for halloween.  this girl fell in love with danica (from sew liberated, and my “partner” for quilt market) and her son ephraim.  we all sort of fell in love with ephraim.

20151026_090640without a doubt, the biggest thrill of my 5 day trip was seeing our patterns on display in the united notions booth.  no words!

20151024_091940and i can’t leave out the booth that we worked so hard to create.  yes, those are wood walls…and a sofa…remember the toting and hauling?  we got to reverse the process on monday evening.

so, there was rain and wind and walking across flooding streets in suede boots….but there were great people (a shout out to my new friends in south africa…hope your travels home were safe!), there were great connections made and most importantly, there were margaritas after a long day on my feet.  it was all good.

apparently the city was aware of my flight time, because the was a string quartet at the airport to see me off:)

20151027_113959so long houston…see you next year!!


leaving on a jet plane

my bags are packed, i’m ready to go.  of course i’ve probably forgotten something important, but i have clean underwear, so i think i’m safe!!  if any of you are attending fall quilt market, look me up….i’ll be in the sew liberated booth and would love to say hi!

keep an eye on instagram for updates on all the happenings in houston and i’ll be back on monday with some goodies to show.  and when i return we’ll have a new free pattern to share!!


houston or bust

one week from this thursday i will board a plane and jet my way to houston!  it’s october, and that means international quilt market.  for those of you not familiar with quilt market, it’s not just about quilting.  it’s an international show where all new fabric for the next season (along with patterns/tools/trim/etc) are showcased.  i was invited to help build and work in a booth for sew liberated, which i did in 2012.  i’ve done freelance work for meg and danica at sew liberated for many years now, and they have both been very supportive of elizabeth and i striking out and building snapdragon studios.

while i’ll be working in the sew liberated booth, i’ll also be representing snapdragon studios…changing in the restroom from one designers clothing to my own (sort of like superman…without the phone booth…and the super powers!)  excited doesn’t really cover it….there’s anxious, nervous, thrilled, enthused, all atwitter!  in 2012, meg and i won first place for single size booth….so there’s a bit of pressure there.  here’s a few pics from 2012.

2012-10-27 09.32.50
2012-10-28 12.09.23

this year’s booth is looking very promising.  we’re aiming for a comfy boutique setting.  lots of cushy places for buyers to relax while perusing patterns.  and danica has been soooo sweet in allowing me to promote snapdragon studios patterns while showing hers.  i’m excited about showing off our newest patterns (stop by friday to see the release!!!!!) with buyers and distributors.  and i’m looking forward to seeing the beautiful city of houston again.

2012-10-29 17.44.50

now i just need to make a couple of things to wear, find some comfortable shoes, and i’m set to jet!


a whisper of a plan

over the past few weeks i’ve noticed a trend…one i have no hopes of being a part of.  bloggers and instagrammers are posting lovely inspiration boards with their fall sewing plans all laid out.  pictures of the patterns pinned right up there with swatches…and even a few have gone so far as to add accessories and shoes to complete their looks.  i too have an inspiration board.  one that doesn’t get updated nearly as often as i would like, but sadly there are no neatly organized plans for fall sewing.

i tend to “dream” about an upcoming season and what i might make.  in spring it’s the trench coat (floral perhaps?) and then comes fall and i start thinking about that wool coat (the one i think about each and every fall).  am i the only one who doesn’t have a PLAN??  i wander through a fabric store and when something hits me i take it home.

in just a few short weeks i will be attending fall quilt market…more on that coming soon…and i’ll need clothing.  the designs must be specific due to the work i’ll be doing there.  so today i rummaged around in the stash and came up with a few ideas of my own.  they’re not etched in stone, although i’d better be getting busy since the days are flying past and i’ll be leaving in about 2 blinks!

this may will become one of our soon to released patterns.  a floral corduroy that struck me last fall and has been waiting for my inspiration to catch up.

DSCN6369this may (or may not) become a summer jazz tunic.  it’s light and gauzy…probably too much for a dress, but a tunic? indeed.

DSCN6371another lemon squeeze cardigan?  please.  brown wool suiting.  light enough for comfort and to wear over a sweater.  no, i do not know which sweater!!!

DSCN6370maybe a tunic from another designer…one i’ll be working with…using this unique print.

DSCN6372just hope no one tries to scan those barcodes!!

so i guess i have the beginnings of a plan after all.  who knew??  gotta run post it on my inspiration board!!


kims quilt market highlights

this isn’t my first rodeo….i’ve been fortunate to be able to attend in the past.  once with a designer friend attending as a buyer (also in Pittsburgh), and once as an exhibitor in houston.  each time i’m awed when i walk through through the doors and this year was no different.   it’s definitely sensory overload!!   you come away filled with inspiration….and a looong list of “to-do’s”.  your head spins and your heart pounds as endless creativity carries you away to that place where anything is possible.  there’s no way to show you all the beauty that was contained in that convention center, so i’ll share just a few of the things that inspired me and made me smile.

in no particular order of beauty….



valori wells …her work always takes my breath away!!  she always greets you with a smile and a warm hug and makes it all looks so effortless.  her booth was filled to the brim with stunning samples made from her new line of fabric “quill”, available through robert kaufman and I can’t wait to get my hands on some of it.  she was gracious enough to agree to be a part of our upcoming series of interviews “snapdragon studios top 10 with…” which we’ll begin sharing soon.  and coincidentally, the sumer jazz top the elizabeth is wearing here was made with valori’s fabric…(insert shameless plug for pattern).


this bag was sooo beautiful….made from her new line and embellished with beading.  i was really tempted to try and steal it, but was able to maintain a little dignity and decided i’d just have to come home and copy it!!  valori also has a new line called “blueprint basics” which is just as beautiful.  i really wanted to photograph every single sample!




this is kay whitt of serendipity studios. she’s a clothing pattern designer with amazing style!  see that tunic she’s wearing?  all that embellishment added by hand…it was stunning.  the designs are from allison glass (i’ll be showing you a little piece of her work too).  kay was kind enough to spend a little time talking to us and giving us some advice, which is always appreciated, especially from someone as talented as she is.  she also has a drop dead gorgeous jacket pattern with hand applique that was quickly added to my “must have” list.




a trip to market wouldn’t be complete without seeing what amy butler and dave have in store for us.  they never disappoint!  amy’s new line of fabric “glow” does just that and just look at that darling dress in parson gray….it’s a chambray shirt with his flannels stitched at the waist making sort of a petal skirt.




i promised to share an allison glass picture.  this wool wall took my breath away….i couldn’t stop looking at it.  it was part of the back wall of her booth and it was all hand stitched.  remember that place i mentioned, where anything is possible?  this is one of those inspiration pieces….not at all probable after looking at my to-do list, but absolutely beautiful!




above is the amazing team of designers from cotton and steel, a darling bicycle appliqued on a quilt (for you amy!!) and some luscious fabrics from kokka that elizabeth and I both drooled on (sorry kokka….it will wash!!)




and the darling booth (with the darling caroline!!) of april rhodes and caroline hulse with their new fabric lines from art gallery fabrics.  art gallery fabrics produces lovely pima cotton, voile and knits…i love them all!!  april wasn’t available when i snapped this picture, but she was there.  if you’re a sewist you must pick up some of these fabrics…..”gleeful” by caroline and “arizona” by april…both make my heart sing!



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aren’t these the MOST AMAZINGLY beautiful umbrellas you’ve ever laid eyes on??  the way they used the fabric to create just the perfect center top?  i’ll need to look back in my notes to see who’s booth they were in….i was so taken with them i couldn’t be expected to remember details like that.  these are definitely on my list…..Christmas recipients, what do you think?  i know i’d carry mine rain or shine!!


whew!!  believe it or not, that was just a BIT of quilt market!!  i didn’t even get to my favorite fabrics from blend fabrics, or the darling prints from the jungs, and many others that will be receiving a large portion of my income over the next several months.  it was a great trip…i think elizabeth and i both came home inspired (and tired), ready to create.


Quilt Market Spring 2014 Recap #1

It has been a whirlwind week for us.  We’re in the very final stages of wrapping up our patterns and getting ready to release them (last things on the to-do list: finish tweaking the covers and finalize formatting on the instructions pages, then they’re ready to go!), and in the midst of all that excitement we were at International Quilt Market in Pittsburgh last weekend promoting Snapdragon Studios.

This was my first Quilt Market, so I’ll be honest – I felt like a babe in the woods most of the time we were there.  It was totally humbling to see all of the talent on display.  Kim will be here Friday to show off some of our favorite booths and a few of the totally gorgeous fabric lines that are coming out this summer and fall, so I’ll just give you a taste of what our experience was at QM this year.



This is a view of a little less than half of the show floor, and we must have walked up and down every one of those aisles over a dozen times.  I really wish I would’ve brought a pedometer – we definitely got our exercise in this weekend.  The funny thing was that when we were doing our final walk-through Sunday morning before heading home, there were still booths it seemed like I hadn’t noticed the other times through.  There’s just so much eye-candy it’s hard to take it all in.  I was happy that we were there as “industry professionals” and that it wasn’t my job to choose between all of the gorgeous fabric lines to decide what to carry in a shop.  We finished each day sitting on beanbags in the “Relax and Recharge” lounge, which looked out over the river – I definitely needed to focus my eyes on something less colorful and farther away than all of the quilts we saw on the show floor.  My poor retinas got tired and I wasn’t even in meetings with sales reps looking at samples all day.  I don’t know how shop owners do it!



One of the things I liked best about QM was the chance to meet some of the bloggers and designers I admire in real life.  Allison Harris of Cluck Cluck Sew was there introducing her new fabric line, Oh Clementine, with Windham Fabrics and it was so much fun to chat with her since I’ve been following her blog for years now.  I’m going to use two of her quilt patterns for the quilt giveaway we’re planning this summer (more on that soon, I promise!), so it was great to meet her and make friends.  Aren’t her quilts gorgeous?

Also, do you recognize the tunic I’m sporting?  I was juuuust able to squeeze my baby belly into it for day one of Quilt Market.  I haven’t tried it on since we got back, but at the rate this baby is growing I doubt I’d be able to wear it this weekend.  🙂




Another new friend is Jen Fox of Jen Fox Studios.  She just released a fabric line with P&B Textiles called Nomad that I’m really loving.  She also designs handbag patterns that are super cute – I especially like her Sunburst Sling (pictured at the far left above).  Her booth was one of my favorites – very clean and modern looking but with just the right touches of color.

I could go on and on about my favorite booths and fabric lines, but I’ll leave you with a few pictures of different things that caught my eye instead:



I’m a little bit obsessed with the Petals pattern from Tiny Seamstress Designs.  See those nifty baskets on the floor under the table and the sweet garland?  Those are the Petals bags, and, better still, the pattern also includes these snazzy flowers:



Cool?  So cool.



I saw a couple different versions of this tent at market, and each time I was tempted to curl up in it and take a siesta.  This one was in the Monaluna booth to show off their Under the Sea line (which is so freaking cute, by the way).  Doesn’t it look like the perfect hideaway?  We couldn’t help nuzzling some of their gorgeous knits while we were there.  It’s so exciting that more fabric companies are offering a wider range of garment fabrics – we saw a lot of them this weekend.  I love it.



These sassy flowers were in the Birch booth and I wanted to take them all home despite the fact that they would take up my entire house.  Aren’t they fun?



Finally, I was a little bit obsessed with American Made Brand‘s booth with Clothworks.  As the name suggests, American Made cloth is manufactured and dyed in the U.S., but not only that – all of their cotton is American, too, so the whole process takes place right here at home.  Isn’t that cool?  It does my little granola-eating, tree-hugging heart good.

It’s back to the grindstone for me as we finish up our website and finalize the patterns, but Quilt Market was a great experience (even if I feel like I need to sleep for a week now that it’s over) and we made some fantastic contacts and new friends while we were there.  Thanks for having us, Pittsburgh!
