oxford and lace

two new patterns are finished!!!  i just sent them to the printer, so we should be able to share what’s been going on behind te scenes very, very soon…**much arm waving and silly grinning**!!

but in the meantime i have been working on a few personal things.  i saw this on instagram/facebook/other social media.  sadly i can’t remember who shared it, so if it was you, drop me a note and i’ll be happy to give credit where credit is due.

DSCN6377i purchased an oxford shirt at the local thrift shop…lucking out and finding a brand new one!!  perfect for testing this lace insert.  a simple slice up the back, a small hem along the slice and then i inserted a left over piece of lace from the lemon squeeze cardigan sample.  voila!!  a new blouse!!  and the bonus of a better fit (since the shirt was just a bit snug through the bust).  worn over a cami it adds just the right amount of femininity  to an otherwise bland oxford.

moving on to a few things to wear for quilt market and some samples of a new FREE pattern.  stay tuned.


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